Simon Bergweiler
Research Unit: Innovative Factory Systems
Research Area: Interconnected Factory Architectures
Simon Bergweiler received a diploma in applied computer science at Trier University of Applied Sciences in 2004. Since then he is researcher and software engineer at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). He has worked on Discourse Modelling, Multimodal Interfaces and In addition, he leads the research area to explore Interconnected Factory Architectures (IFA) in the DFKI research unit of Innovative Factory Systems (IFS). The aim is to provide optimum human support in the smart production environment of the factory of the future. We must therefore bear in mind that the success of the In the field of Interconnected Factory Systems and Smart Human Machine Interaction we are working on the further development of the following topics:
Research Projects
2024 | |
Jibinraj Antony; Dorotea Jalušić; Simon Bergweiler; Ákos Hajnal; Veronika Žlabravec; Márk Emődi; Dejan Strbad; Tatjana Legler; Attila Csaba Marosi.
Adapting to Changes: A Novel Framework for Continual Machine Learning in Industrial Applications. In: Journal of Grid Computing, vol. 22, article nr. 71, , 2024. Download |
Schultheis Alexander, David Jilg, Lukas Malburg, Simon Bergweiler, and Ralph Bergmann.
Towards Flexible Control of Production Processes: A Requirements Analysis for Adaptive Workflow Management and Evaluation of Suitable Process Modeling Languages. In: Journal Processes, no. 12, article nr. 2714, DOI: , 2024. Download |
Peter Stein; Jibinraj Antony; Simon Bergweiler; Christian Schorr.
Generalized Authoring Tool for Computer Vision Machine Learning Application Deployments. In: 2nd European Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing (ESAIM), Athens, 2024. | |
Alexander Schultheis; Benjamin Alt; Sebastian Bast; Achim Guldner; David Jilg; Darko Katic; Johannes Mundorf; Tobias Schlagenhauf; Sebastian Weber; Ralph Bergmann; Simon Bergweiler; Lars Creutz; Guido Dartmann; Lukas Malburg; Stefan Naumann; Mahdi Rezapour; Martin Ruskowski.
EASY: Energy-Efficient Analysis and Control Processes in the Dynamic Edge-Cloud Continuum for Industrial Manufacturing. In: German Journal of Artificial Intelligence,, 2024 . Download |
Simon Bergweiler; Johannes Mundorf; Martin Ruskowski; Marco Simon; Keran Sivalingam; Maximilian Spengler; Christian Vollmer.
Datenraum Industrie 4.0 – In: Whitepaper SmartFactory Vol. 7, No. 1, 2024 . Download |
2023 | |
Monireh Pourjafarian; Christiane Plociennik; Mohammad Hossein Rimaz; Peter Stein; Malte Vogelgesang; Chanchan Li; Svenja Knetsch; Simon Bergweiler; Martin Ruskowski.
A Multi-Stakeholder Digital Product Passport Based on the Asset Administration Shell. In: 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), DOI: 10.1109/etfa54631.2023.10275715, 2023. Download |
2022 | |
Marosi, Attila Csaba and Emodi, Márk and Hajnal, Ákos and Lovas, Róbert and Kiss, Tamás and Poser, Valerie and Antony, Jibinraj and Bergweiler, Simon and Hamzeh, Hamed and Deslauriers, James and Kovács, József.
Interoperable Data Analytics Reference Architectures Empowering Digital-Twin-Aided Manufacturing. In: mdpi journal, Future Internet , Vol. 14, No. 4, 2022. Download |
Christiane Plociennik and Monireh Pourjafarian and Ali Nazeri and Waldemar Windholz and Svenja Knetsch and Julian Rickert and Andreas Ciroth and Alice do Carmo Precci Lopes and Tabea Hagedorn and Malte Vogelgesang and Wladislaw Benner and Andrea Gassmann and Simon Bergweiler and Martin Ruskowski and Liselotte Schebek and Anke Weidenkaff.
Towards a Digital Lifecycle Passport for the Circular Economy. In: Procedia CIRP , Vol. 105, Elsevier BV, p. 122-127, 2022. Download |
Simon Bergweiler and Stephan Hamm and Jesko Hermann and Christiane Plociennik and Martin Ruskowski and Achim Wagner.
Production Level 4 – Der Weg zurzukunftssicheren und verlässlichen Produktion. In: Whitepaper-SF , Vol. 5, No. 1, 2022. Download |
Valentina Zambrano and Johannes Mueller-Roemer and Michael Sandberg and Prasad Talasila and Davide Zanin and Peter Gorm Larsen and Elke Loeschner and Wolfgang Thronicke and Dario Pietraroia and Giuseppe Landolfi and Alessandro Fontana and Manuel Laspalas and Jibinraj Antony and Valerie Poser and Tamas Kiss and Simon Bergweiler and Sebastian Pena Serna and Salvador Izquierdo and Ismael Viejo and Asier Juan and Francisco Serrano and Andre Stork.
Industrial digitalization in the industry 4.0 era: Classification, reuse and authoring of digital models on Digital Twin platforms. In: Array, Volume 14, 2022, Article 100176, DOI, ISSN 2590-0056. Download |
2020 | |
Annalisa Santolamazza and Corrado Groth and Vito Introna and Stefano Porziani and Francesco Scarpitta and Giorgio Urso and Pier Paolo Valentini and Emiliano Costa and Edoardo Ferrante and Stefano Sorrentino and Biagio Capacchione and Michel Rochette and Simon Bergweiler and Valerie Poser and Marco E. Biancolini.
A Digital Shadow Cloud-based Application to enhance Quality Control in Manufacturing. In: 21st IFAC World Congress, Volume 53-2, Berlin, Germany, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020, pages 10579-10584. Download |
Martin Ruskowski, Arnold Herget, Jesko Hermann, William Motsch, Parsha Pahlevannejad, Aleksandr Sidorenko, SmartFactory-KL; Simon Bergweiler, Alexander David, Christiane Plociennik, Jens Popper, Keran Sivalingam, Achim Wagner, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz.
Production Bots für Production Level 4. – Skill-basierte Systeme für die Produktion der ZukunftIn: atp Magazin, Band 62 Nr. 9, 2020, DOI:, pages 62-71, Vulkan-Verlag GmbH. Download |
2018 | |
Jens Popper, Jesko Hermann, Simon Bergweiler, Stephan Weyer, Martin Ruskowski, at al.
IEC White Paper AI:2018 – Artificial intelligence across industries. In: International Electrotechnical Commission – Market Strategy Board, 2018, pages 93. Download |
2017 | |
Volkan Gezer, Simon Bergweiler.
Cloud-based Infrastructure for Workflow and Service Engineering Using Semantic Web Technologies. In: International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology vol 10 no 1&2, 2017, pp. 36-45. |
TU Darmstadt (Liselotte Schebek, Jan Kannengießer, Alessio Campitelli, Julia Fischer, Eberhard Abele, Christoph Bauerdick, Reiner Anderl, Sebastian Haag), Fraunhofer IPA (Alexander Sauer, Jörg Mandel, Dominik Lucke, Ivan Bogdanov, Anne-Kathrin Nuffer, Rolf Steinhilper, Johannes Böhner, Gerald Lothes, Christoph Schock), DFKI (Detlef Zühlke, Simon Bergweiler, Christiane Plociennek).
Studie: Ressourceneffizienz durch Industrie 4.0 – Potenziale für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) des verarbeitenden Gewerbes. In: VDI ZRE Publikationen: Studien, 2017, Download. |
2016 | |
Volkan Gezer, Simon Bergweiler.
Service and Workflow Engineering based on Semantic Web Technologies. In: The Tenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, (UBICOMM 2016), Venice, Italy, IARIA, ISBN 978-1-61208-505-0, 2016, pp. 152-157. |
Simon Bergweiler.
Smart Factory Systems – Fostering Cloud-based Manufacturing based on Self-Monitoring Cyber-Physical Systems. In: International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, Volume 9 no 1 & 2, IARIA, 2016, pp. 91-101. |
2015 | |
Simon Bergweiler.
Intelligent Manufacturing based on Self-Monitoring Cyber-Physical Systems. In: The Ninth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, (UBICOMM 2015), Nice, France, IARIA, ISBN 978-1-61208-418-3, 2015, pp. 108-113. Best Paper Award! |
Simon Bergweiler, Matthieu Deru.
Foundations of Semantic Television – Design of a Distributed and Gesture-Based Television System. In: International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, Volume 8 no 1 & 2, IARIA, 2015, pp. 194-208. |
2014 | |
Tilman Becker, Markus Löckelt, Christian H. Schulz, Simon Bergweiler, Matthieu Deru, and Norbert Reithinger.
A unified approach for semantic-based multimodal interaction. In: Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, ser. Cognitive Technologies, W. Wahlster et al., Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 131–144. |
Daniel Porta, Matthieu Deru, Simon Bergweiler, Gerd Herzog, and Peter Poller.
Building multimodal dialogue user interfaces in the context of the internet of services. In: Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, ser. Cognitive Technologies, W. Wahlster et al., Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 145–162. |
Simon Bergweiler.
Interactive service composition and query. In: Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, ser. Cognitive Technologies, W. Wahlster et al., Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 163–178. |
Alexander Kröner, Jens Haupert, Matthieu Deru, Simon Bergweiler, and Christian Hauck.
Enabling Data Collections for Open-Loop Applications in the Internet of Things. In: International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology, vol 7 no 1 & 2, IARIA, ISSN: 1942-2652, 2014, pp. 75-85. |
Sönke Knoch, Matthieu Deru, Simon Bergweiler, and Jens Haupert.
Novel Consumer-to-Product Interactions with Context-Aware Embedded Platforms. In: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Aging and Assistive Environments. Pages 513-524, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 8515, Springer International Publishing, 2014. (HCII 2014) |
Matthieu Deru and Simon Bergweiler.
Swoozy – An innovative Design of a distributed and gesture-based Semantic Television System. In: Eighth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2014), Rome, Italy, 2014, IARIA, ISSN: 2308-4278, pp. 131-139. Best Paper Award! |
Simon Bergweiler.
A flexible Framework for adaptive Knowledge Retrieval and Fusion for Kiosk Systems and mobile Clients. In: Eighth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2014), Rome, Italy, 2014, IARIA, ISSN: 2308-4278, pp. 164-171. |
Jens Haupert, Simon Bergweiler, Peter Poller, and Christian Hauck.
IRAR: Smart Intention Recognition and Action Recommendation for Cyber-Physical Industry Environments. In: 10th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2014), Shanghai, China |
2013 | |
Matthieu Deru, Simon Bergweiler.
Milky: On-product App for emotional Product to Human Interactions. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. (MobileHCI-2013), 15th, August 27-30, Munich, Germany, ACM, 2013. |
Alexander Kröner, Jens Haupert, Christian Hauck, Matthieu Deru, Simon Bergweiler.
Fostering Access to Data Collections in the Internet of Things In: The Seventh International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies.(UBICOMM 2013), Pages 65-68, ISBN 978-1-61208-289-9, IARIA, 9/2013, Porto, Portugal Best Paper Award! |
2011 | |
Grigori Babitski, Simon Bergweiler, Olaf Grebner, Daniel Oberle, Heiko Paulheim, Florian Probst.
SoKNOS – Using Semantic Technologies in Disaster Management Software. In: The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC-2011), 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Heraklion, Greece, Pages 183-197, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 6644, ISBN 978-3-642-21033-4, Springer, 2011. download |
Jochen Frey, Simon Bergweiler, Jan Alexandersson, Ehsan Gholamsaghaee, Norbert Reithinger, Christoph Stahl.
SmartCase: A Smart Home Environment in a Suitcase. In: Intelligent Environments (IE),7th International Conference, pp.378-381, 2011. Best Demo Award! |
2010 | |
Simon Bergweiler, Matthieu Deru, Alassane Ndiaye.
A Collaborative Touch-based Newspaper Editor Concept. In: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS-2010), ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 7-10, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-1-4503-0399-6, The Association for Computing Machinery, 2010. |
Simon Bergweiler, Matthieu Deru, Daniel Porta.
Integrating a Multitouch Kiosk System with Mobile Devices and Multimodal Interaction. In: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS-2010), November 7-10, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-1-4503-0399-6/10/11, The Association for Computing Machinery, 2010. |
2009 | |
Daniel Sonntag, Matthieu Deru, Simon Bergweiler.
Design and Implementation of Combined Mobile and Touchscreen-Based Multimodal Web 3.0 Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI). International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI-09), July 13-16, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CSREA Press, 2009. |
Grigori Babitski, Simon Bergweiler, Jörg Hoffmann, Daniel Schön, Christoph Stasch, Alexander C. Walkowski.
Ontology-Based Integration of Sensor Web Services in Disaster Management. In: GeoSpatial Semantics. International Conference on GeoSpatial Semantics (GeoS-09), December 3-4, Mexico City, Mexico, Pages 103-121, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5892/2009, ISBN 978-3-642-10435-0, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 11/2009. |
2006 | |
Norbert Reithinger, Simon Bergweiler, Anselm Blocher, Ralf Engel, Gerd Herzog, Alexander Pfalzgraf, Norbert Pfleger, Massimo Romanelli, Gerhard Sonnenberg, Daniel Sonntag, Wolfgang Wahlster.
SmartWeb – Multimodal Interaction with Web Services. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2006). Pages 37-40, Vol. KI 2006 Demo Presentations, 6/2006. |
2005 | |
Norbert Reithinger, Simon Bergweiler, Ralf Engel, Gerd Herzog, Norbert Pfleger, Massimo Romanelli, Daniel Sonntag.
A look under the hood: design and development of the first SmartWeb system demonstrator. In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Multimodal interfaces. (ICMI-05) New York, Pages 159-166, ACM Press, 2005. |
2004 | |
Simon Bergweiler, and Georg J. Schneider.
Ein adaptives Multimedia-Streaming-Tool als Basis für ein personalisiertes Auskunftssystem für mobile Touristen. Diplomarbeit (2004). |